In The Jingly Jangly Jungle

We are in absolute love of the program “Raa Raa The Noisy Lion”. It has been a bit of a favourite for a few months but what’s great is the learning side. Baby Z can literally sit there for hours on end watching the pre-recorded episodes. (Don’t worry, she’s limited to only two per day… But if she had her way!) though I have to say it is great when you need a few minutes of peace to finish off your own work or chores.

Personally what I really like about the program is the simplicity. It’s got 6 wonderful unique characters who all go on little adventures that teach the little one about certain facts of life. Baby Z has picked up words, actions and also simple things like sorry, please and thank you. She relates things to the characters and what’s best is when she reads the books she can actually tell you the story from the pictures alone esp. If you help her with the sound effects… (She loves to join in too).

The great thing is, is that as her vocabulary has grown she’s gone from saying Raa Raa to every lion to now actually saying the word lion! And that goes for all the characters. The association linked with the characters has helped her increase her animal (‘aminal’ in her words) recognition.

The funniest thing though is when you really want her to distract her all you need to say is ‘look raa raa is on’ and off she goes to the sofa in an excited manner…. Only to realise she’s been tricked.

Let’s see how long that lasts for.

Raa Raa you are!!


The post In The Jingly Jangly Jungle appeared first on Mummys Bubble.

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