Ah those little tootsies and so many cute outfits. You could go absolutely bananas over everything newborn. It’s even more exciting when you know if its a boy or girl!
When we were expecting Z, we decided to keep it a secret and just find out ourselves. This had its advantages and disadvantages. Advantage one was that as we weren’t in a massively strong financial situation we could buy items first time round rather than buy something unisex then go out and buy another set in a girlie colour after baby would be born. As well as this, I could purchase room decorations (and hide them from everyone) till after she was born. Number two was that we could enjoy this little moment between the two of us and leave everyone still guessing. However the disadvantage was that it was very hard to keep it a secret from the grandparents! (to be honest we haven’t really told them even now… opps!)
However when it came to Mr A, however much Z and I wanted to find out the sex, daddy put his foot down and said ‘nope its going to be a surprise’. So that’s what it became… a surprise for all of us. I have to say this was a lovely little way of doing things too… as we ended having to play a full on guessing game all the way through the pregnancy and we actually spent very little money on him before hand (again didn’t want to have doubles or then get boys items and he turns out to be a girl! eek!)
But once he was born… oh my did I go crazy! I had seen some gorgeous items that I wanted to get my hands on. Some unfortunately I still haven’t (budget), but they will always be on my forever baby list…
So onto our little Newborn style guide;
Baby Grow
Liberty Collar all in one – £13.44
Mamas and Papas latest collection is one created around the love for Liberty prints. This gorgeous baby grow is the perfect look for bringing baby home in spring. What’s honestly not to love!
Page Birds 2-in-1 romper – £22
As usual, Monsoon does not disappoint. This floral beauty will brighten any day giving your little one a classical look perfect to match with little floral booties.
Knitted booties – £12
Who doesn’t love a pair of knitted booties on a newborn. These dusky pink treats will keep your little ones tootsies cosy and even if you don’t get through them, they are lovely piece to keep.
Baby Grow
Bear zipped all in one – £6.72
We are going on a Bear hunt… your little babba will certainly look the part in this all in one baby grow from Mamas and Papas. Bonus: who doesn’t love the monochrome look.
Checked vest – £9
Personally, I love checked shirt/vests on little boys. They look so smart and grown up. Mr A has a cute one in Red, Navy and Black and my goodness you just want to eat him when he’s dressed up like that! This number can be picked up at Mothercare.
Grey pram lace work boots – £9
Pram boots are a trend and these ones from Next hit the nail on the head. The colour and style will match any outfit and the cosy lining will keep that colder breeze at bay.
The post Little Newborn style guide appeared first on Mummys Bubble.