MBTribe – Digital Bon Bons

This month we spoke to the wonderful Mama behind digital marketing consultancy business Digital Bon Bons. Maxine Kerley is the face and brains of this go to company with the knowledge to help others strive in their areas through the use of mediums like social media. Take a read and see what we spoke about.



Name:  Maxine Kerley

Location: Kent

Website: digitalbonbons.com

Contact: hello@digitalbonbons.com


What inspired you to start Digital Bon Bons?

When I had my daughter in 2014 I was immersed into the weird and wonderful world of parenthood, it was such a huge adjustment. I soon started discover fantastic brands and businesses that catered for me (as a parent) and her. I was taking her to baby classes, finding fabulous brands for clothing and unique nursery décor. I also loved that a lot of these businesses were started by parents. I returned to work ion 2015 and then in 2016 I had my lightbulb moment and knew that I wanted to help these businesses using my expertise of online marketing. I had always wanted to work for myself too so this was a great drive towards making that happen. I went full time with the business in Oct 2017.

How do you balance work and home life?

I absolutely no idea if I do to be honest. Since returning from Mat Leave and returning to work I felt like I had the work/life balance I had always wanted. I went to work did my job and came home and didn’t think about it, I don’t like work that takes itself home with you whether that’s mentally or physically. I’ve had plenty of jobs that I’ve done that with and it’s not healthy. When launching the business, I was still working 32 hours a week so I was balancing or juggling my day job, parenting, life and then the business in the evenings and that was tough. I was very tired, it was a long day looking and working at a screen so it did start to take it’s toll, and people said to me that I needed to take a break at risk of burn out. I think balance is a funny word and I do prefer a few more of them I’ve heard said recently like work/life inclusion. The lovely Anna from Mother Pukka said this at an event I went to and I think she’s right. They both kind of work together.

How has this business helped you to grow as a person?

Massively and I am still growing every day in one way or another. I’ve learnt to have more belief in myself and my abilities. It’s improved my confidence with meeting people and being bold in my own knowledge. I’m learning to get a thicker skin and also what I like and what I do like a lot more and being okay with that.

In the next 3 years where do you see yourself and Digital Bon Bons?

I would love to see my online courses do really well and I would love to be a speaker at an event or even maybe run one of my own i.e. workshops or mini courses. That would be so exciting.

What advice/tips would you give to someone looking into Digital Marketing Consultancy for their business?

  • Search the marketing because you want to find the right person for you, who understands your audience.
  • Don’t always look at price and think “Yikes” because having a conversation and hearing exactly how they can help, listening to them and looking at their expertise will make that price worth it.
  • Ask Questions – finding someone to come on board is very much like a job interview and you both connecting so anything you’re unsure of, ask and I’m sure they will be happy to explain further.

Give us 3 fun facts about yourself!

Love Tea and dunking a chocolate in
Film Addict – if I’m not in I’m at the cinema
I can say the Alphabet backwards


Interview and Copy by Mama

Images by Maxine Kerley

The post MBTribe – Digital Bon Bons appeared first on Mummys Bubble.

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