Before we went to Spain I had never taken Z to a swimming pool. Frankly I was worried about how the water would affect her skin as it was recovering from eczema. However as her skin was pretty clear for a few months my partner and I decided to try out swimming on holiday. See if she even liked it.
Wow were we surprised!
The weather dropped for a day when we reached Spain so we weren’t able to take her as the water became cold. She was so disappointed. You must be thinking how did we know she was disappointed… Trust me you can tell even when they’re only 9 months old!
Half way through our stay we tested the water, and it was perfect! We quickly got her ready, blew up her ‘SwimWays’ floater and headed to the pool.
We set the floater in the pool, my partner went in and held it steady whilst I showed Z the water. She could hardly contend herself, it was like she wanted to jump right in!
The minute we placed her in the floater she held on to her daddies arm so tight but still tried touching her surroundings. It took her a while but she loosened up and then there was no stopping her. She began splashing and trying to drink the water… Which was sooo salty she kept making funny faces.
The floater was a last minute buy. We searched for ages to see what would be suitable. The ‘SwimWays’ was the only one that had a canopy and looked decent for her age. So splurging out a bit more than we would have liked, we purchased it. I have to say it was an excellent buy.
I have got say, her love of water has really increased. She shrieks with excitement whenever the tub is being filled. This has definitely made me think about taking her to the swimming pools in London, as it is she has flat feet.. Flipper style!
The post Pool Exploration appeared first on Mummys Bubble.