As mummy was at work today, daddy and I made some yummy pancakes. Mummy had left out some food colouring for us to use, so whilst daddy mixed the ‘ready-made’ pancake mix; I made sure I was making use of the time by being his second in command in my usual spot in the kitchen. Having never tried these little thin treats I waited patiently (as a two year old can) pretending to mix with my bowl and spoon. They smelt so scrumptious once cooked and daddy made so many!
For my special pancake daddy used the food colouring mummy had left out, by making funny shapes all over the mixture in the pan. He flipped it over and the colours looked beautiful. I was going to eat a rainboooow…
So much yumminess in my tummy early in the morning… what else could a two year old ask for.
Love Baby Z xXx
The post Rainbow Pancake appeared first on Mummys Bubble.