Finally, Baby Z has taken her first steps! Even though she’s still not as comfortable to completely step away from objects yet, she still gives it a shot and unintentionally walks.
So the time came to go and finally buy her proper shoes… ah a new mile stone.
Going into Clarks, I have to say as a first time mum, I was a little confused and apprehensive. Baby Z was ‘walking’ but found travelling on her bum a lot quicker, so I didn’t know how long it would take her to actually fully walk. So would I go for the Crawlers or the Walkers?
Being on a budget, I didn’t want to spend so much money, only for her to start walking a week or two later!! (Knowing my luck that would be exactly what would happen).
However, I took a chance. Speaking to the sales assistant, she explained that she would outgrow the shoes anyway in up to 8 weeks or so. So for the time being, it would be best to get her into crawlers and then hopefully by 8 weeks she should be running around then to move her automatically into walkers. Which I guess made some sort of sense.
But then another dilemma occurred – the choices!! I’m a mum who has to colour coordinate everything!!! So I love the idea of choice in the cupboard, each outfit has similar colour matching shoes. But at such a high price, I wasn’t going to be able to afford that. Further to that, they had finished their ‘Black bow’ shoes in the sale a few weeks ago…(you see, my luck).
After getting Baby Z sized up, the sales assistant brought out all the shoes that would fit her. (Again not much choice) but then a pair stood out that I thought, ‘hmm maybe’. Funnily enough, the minute my little monkey saw the same shoes she went crazy – bouncing and pointing. Taking them out of the box she grabbed them and wouldn’t let go. Even though the other shoes were out, she didn’t bat an eyelid to any of them. Prying them out of her hands, I put them on her feet.. and a perfect fit! She didn’t let me take them off, so having paid them with her wearing them we went home to show them off to Dada.
I ended up taking them off when she fell asleep for her nap that day. Honestly speaking though, I am glad I went with her choice; because now, my little monkey gets overly excited every time I take them out of the cupboard to put them on her, and she’s actually got quite a good choice because they match what she wears too!!!
My little fashion lover!
The post Shoes and More New Shoes appeared first on Mummys Bubble.