After starting this blog in 2013, I used my beautiful angel as my inspiration. The ideas and daily life that me and my baby go through so I could reach out to other mummies and daddies. Since then, we have gained so much love from everyone that I decided it was time to hit it big, and finally create our own Webpage!
So welcome to ‘Mummy’s Bubble’! Gone is the old ‘Heena’s Blog’ and in with the new. But don’t worry we are still the same, just a little older and (possibly a little wiser) but still as crazy as can be!
Now to come to the nitty gritty of it all, I really wanted to say thank you to my husband and Baby Z daddy. He doesn’t have a clue about developing webpages, but man has he done a good job for a first timer. After hours of painstaking work and lots of mugs of tea, he actually learnt the coding’s and created this amazing space for me and baby Z to play with. To be honest I don’t think I could actually have done this without him… I’m very terrible at all the background stuff when it comes to technology! (I know exactly who Baby Z has gone on… the techno bug).
Also, as I have been off the scene for a very long time… even though I came back then disappeared again… (Sorry guys), I want to say a massive thank you to all my readers and followers and sharers! Without all of you we wouldn’t be here today, and I wouldn’t be writing about all these adventures. I just hope you keep spreading the love now that we are two years in to our childhood and keep sharing our adventures with the rest of the world!
Explore our new home, let us know what you guys think and thank you once again for all the support!
Lots of love, Mummy and Baby Z xXx
The post Welcome to our New Home appeared first on Mummys Bubble.